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Cost efficiency and sustainable production are hot issues within numerous metal and glass machining companies. 

A prudent chemical management plan, well-trained employees and constant control (monitoring) are vital for this. Hence that increasingly more clients call upon one of the Oemeta services as offered by Usocore

Through closely following developments in the market, through collaborating with sector specialists and universities and in contriving and testing new applications, Oemeta and Usocore are ahead in advising companies in the area of sustainable and cost efficient production.
The following services have been developed especially for this:

• Control, management, follow-up and advice on the shop floor
• Laboratory analyses
• Mechanical maintenance, pumps & testing apparatuses
• Chemical management
• Filtration & recycling technology
• Training of personnel in the workshop through means of courses
• Schooling 

Would you like to receive more information about one of our services? Then please contact a Usocore branch office or contact us via the contact form.