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Paraffin waxes

Usocore solid paraffins are highly refined paraffinic non-polar hydrocarbons with medium-high melting points. The range of paraffins extends from solidifying points between 44 and 66°C.

The specifications of our paraffins lie at a high level: in purity and the stability of the quality, they belong to the absolute top on an international scale. They are manufactured in the refineries of Hansen & Rosenthal KG.

Our paraffin waxes are double hydrogenated and satisfy the guidelines of the American, European and Japanese Pharmacopoeias and that of the standards of the Federal Drugs Administration. A number of qualities are also available as a more technical, single hydrogenated type.

Usocore paraffins are, amongst other things, used

  • in candles,
  • in glue formulations for the book and magazine industry and baby diapers (nappies),
  • as well as a protective agent against the dehydration of fruit and
  • as a coating for bread bags and fruit boxes (cartons).