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The oil and wax technology which is used in agriculture, forestry and viticulture, has a long history. Oils and waxes have for many years been used as an anti-dust agent by pulverization methods in the production of animal feeds (fodder) and wheat.

Besides this, wax and oil formulations were applied to prevent the dehydration of plants and fruit.

Nowadays, hydrogenated paraffins, waxes and oils and blends with synthetic polymers are used for many applications in agriculture, forestry, viticulture and fruit growing. For example, as a growth-stimulating additive by crops (plants) or as a protective agent against dehydration.

Wax technology is increasingly being used as an ecologically sound equivalent of pesticides.

Especially for viticulture and fruit growing, Usocore offers the VINIWAX® range of products.

Usocore products for the agro-industry and livestock farming meet the most rigorous local, European and worldwide requirements and legislation. All our products are in conformity with the American FDA regulations and the European 2002/72/EC regulations and as such derived therefrom.

Pharmaceutical white oils
  • Anti-dust agent by animal feeds and wheat
  • Binder for animal feeds
  • Laxative
  • Protective coating against the dehydration of fruit, vegetables and eggs
  • Protective coating against insects (fruit and vegetables)
  • Tobacco industry
  • Artificial fertilizer
Microcrystalline wax blends
  • Protective coatings in viticulture and fruit growing
  • Growth-stimulating coatings in viticulture and fruit growing
  • Anti-fungus coatings in viticulture and fruit growing
Pharmaceutical vaselines
  • Contraceptives
  • Glossing agent
  • Tobacco industry
  • Veterinary creams and salves