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By the development of pharmaceutical products, maximum attention is paid to the user’s safety.

Only extremely pure base materials qualify for medical applications.

Usocore offers the sector the most pure ingredients with a stable quality: snow-white vaselines, crystal clear white oils and flexible microwaxes are used as a base carrier for medical formulations such as salves, antibiotics and lotions.

The Usocore pharmaceutical white oils, vaselines, microwaxes and lanolins meet the latest standards of the Pharmacopoeias globally, amongst others, the Ph.Eur., the USP and the JP, as well as the earlier national monographs, such as the BP, DAB and French Codex.

Extensive research and testing has been effected prior to this and guarantee an absolute safety for human health.

Pharmaceutical white oils
  • As a base ingredient in laxatives
  • As a carrier in nose and throat sprays
  • As a carrier in animal vaccines
Pharmaceutical vaselines
  • As a base ingredient in laxatives
  • Eye care (softener + carrier of antibiotics)
Pure microcrystalline waxes  Lip balsams and sticks care products